This article will help you setup an IAX2 trunk in your PBX in a Flash system and connect it with IPComms SIP trunks..
- Setting up a IAX Trunk is very similar to a SIP Trunk, the biggest difference in registration is the Register String. The IAX trunk contains more information than a SIP Trunk. Trunk information can be copied over just like setting up the SIP Trunks
- Make sure to set the registration string as; username:password@domain>
- If you would like to see if trunks are registered you can go to the FreePBX System Status and look at IP Trunk Registrations.
- In the SIP Trunk make sure the contact field behind the registration string. The setup for the registration string will be username:password@domain/sipContact(username)
- After you have created your IAX Trunk you need to modify the Asterisk IAX Settings inside the Tools.
- Inside here you will be able to make changes to the Codec's, bandwidth control, and multiple other settings.
- These items will need to be checked if you have any special type of NAT setup inside the firewall or company.
- Be sure to open up Port 4569 inside your firewall, as well as ports 10,000-20,000 which are mainly for SIP, but IAX uses some of those ports