Call Broadcast

Broadcast calls (a light dialer) to a defined list of phone numbers.


  • To create a call broadcast click the plus on the right

Fill in the following fields

  • Name- Name for the Call Broadcast.
  • Accountcode Used by some billing systems.
  • Timeout- Amount of time till hangup.
  • Concurrent Limit- Used to pace the calls calls if the timeout was 60 and the concurent

limit is 100 then we would schedule 100 calls every 60 seconds.

  • Caller ID Name- Name that will be used on outbound caller id.
  • Caller ID Number- Number that will be used on outbound caller id.
  • Destination Number- This is the internal number to call. Send the call to an IVR Menu or

some other number. If sending to a conference room make sure the room has a pin number or something that requires user input you don’t want to add voiemail messages into the conference room.

For example *9198
  • Phone Number List- List of phone numbers to call in the call broadcast.

This is the external number to call. Set a list of phone numbers one per row in the following format: 123-123-1234|Last Name, First Name

5551231234|example 1
5551231234|example 2
5551231234|example 3
  • Voicemail Detection- Set True or false to detect an answering machine.
  • Description Help organize and label what the call broadcast is for.


  • Once you have everything filled out click the Call Broadcast name you just created. On the top right click the Send Broadcast button to start the call broadcast. To stop the call broadcast click STOP BROADCAST on the top right.